What is the Affordable Care Act?
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a U.S. federal statute signed by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010.
- The ACA was established to increase Americans’ access to health care by providing more affordable insurance.
- The ACA assists Americans in finding, qualifying, and purchasing health insurance, either through a federal or state facilitated marketplace.
- The ACA also helps consumers pay for health insurance by providing financial assistance.
Who Should Apply?
- Everyone, unless: (1) you’re already insured by Medicare, Medicaid, NC Health Choice, TriCare, or employer coverage or (2) you are undocumented or have an ITIN number
- Even if you do not make enough to qualify, you need to apply for financial assistance to receive your tax exemption code.
- Note: HealthCare Access is not health insurance and does not qualify as health coverage that will exempt you from the Individual Responsibility Mandate (tax penalty).
2019 Open Enrollment is Nov. 1st - Dec. 15, 2018
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